Thursday, February 26, 2009

I... ummmm... *sigh*

Most of the time, I cycle to work. This isn't news. At my office, there's a lovely locker room for me to shower and change clothes in. I think this is fabulous. In the evenings, however, I don't go down to the locker room to change. Oh no, it's three floors below me. I simply close my office door, close the blinds, and change.

No longer.

Today, as I was preparing to give a presentation, someone pulled me aside. "Cary, I really need to tell you something."

"Sure, what's going on," I inquire.

"The blinds. Your blinds. They don't work."

"Ummm... what?!?"

"You were wearing dark underwear last night, right? And you have a white towel hanging on the back of your door."

*blank stare*

At this point, the realization hit. For the past six months I've been changing clothes in my office in the evening as everyone leaves work, walks out to the parking garage behind my building, and gets in their cars. The parking garage that my office windows face. All these people. There must be hundreds in my building. Walking out to the garage. Not realizing that they're about to get a show.

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