Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On Finding Stillness

"The challenge for you is to find that still point, that clarity inside that knows this trauma is just another layer of what's not real.  You can boil inside, you can rage, cry, feel hurt and be perfectly justified.  Or you can recognize that you are not this body, this mind, this relationship, this drama, this pain, this anger, this hurt.  The whole point of knowing about karma and having a tool like yoga is to dig out the roots of what spurs us to action and creating more karma."

-Someome smarter than me

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

On Finding Love

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

On Creating a Life You Love

When you're reassessing life, it's tempting to spend a lot of time focusing on yourself. But it can be transformative to connect with the world around you, to meet your neighbors, to enjoy the changing of the seasons, to take an interest in what's happening in your community. Simply being aware of your environment creates a sense of interconnectedness — and suddenly you can't not care about how your actions affect people and your environment.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

On Being Southern

As I've stated many times before, I like to think of myself as a good Southerner. Living up to the standards and ideals taught to me by my mom, my dad, my grandmother, and all my kinfolk. To be courteous and genteel when dealing wih others. Even those that are not deserving of such consideration. 

But there are times I curse my Southern upbringing for just that etiquette that I've held so dear to my heart and has been the basis of my actions for so many years.

On two separate occasions within the past two weeks I have had the almost uncontrollable urge to throw my drink in someone's face when I've seen them out and just prancing about. To splash it all up in their business and go on a verbal tirade about their lacking of moral character and their opportunism without thoughts about the consequences of their actions. How their actions have deep, reverberating effects on people's lives. Last night was one of those nights. And were it not for the words of a dear and close friend, I probably would have done it. Right there in the midst of all this person's friends. I can almost taste the delight I woulda felt had I actually done it. But... That is not the Southern way. Vengeance, Southern style, is more subtle. Is more discreet.

But damn that would've felt good.

Friday, May 25, 2012

On Friendship

"Genuine friendship depends on genuine affection and taking a sense of responsibility for each other." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV

An Unexamined Life

Socrates stated so many year ago that "an unexamined life is not worth living."

I fully and completely agree with this.  For how can one even attempt to integrate one's life into the life of another if one has no clear idea of who you are.  To even attempt such a fete is immoral, inconscionable, and just wrong.

Are We All Just Fooling Ourselves?

"The quality of everything we do: our physical actions, our verbal actions, and even our mental actions, depends on our motivation." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV

The actions we take when we interact with others... The things we say to one another, both verbal and non-verbal... And yes, even the mental thoughts we have but don't say or act upon when dealing with others...  It all depends on our point of view, the orientation we choose when we look at this thing called life, and how we are motivated to implement that point of view and orientation.  We can choose the positive, compassionate, and loving path - what some might call the implementation of good karma - or we can find ourselves on a negative, perhaps self-destructive and hopeless path - what is often referred to as bad karma.  It is all about the choices we make in those all-important moments of truth.  Do we hide away and introduce lies and deceit into the world, into our relationships, and into our lives?  Or do we make the tough decisions and dig deep into ourselves to be honest, forthcoming, and respectful to the universe, to those around us, and to ourselves?

Karma is simply defined in the Yoga Sutras as action.  It states that these actions can be good or bad, based on what some might call universal morality.  And it is these actions, when repeated over and over again, that define the path upon which we find ourselves.  The challenge is that the mind is easily fooled into thinking we are on a particular path when in reality we are not.  For often we don't want to admit, even to ourselves, even in our most honest moments of introspection, that our actions... our thoughts... our motivation are less than moral.  Are less than ethical.  Are less than honest and truthful.

But sometimes, be it by the actions of another that can jolt your world view of the honesty and trustworthiness of others, or the simple statements of a good friend that recognizes the hurt residing within you, you can recognize that the path you thought you were traveling, be it by yourself or with your beloved, was nothing more than a fantasy.  And you realize the discordance of your own honest and respectful actions with the negative and dishonest actions of your traveling companion and this makes you recognize that you can only find the answers... the truth... the love... within yourself.  For at the end of the day, we are all alone on a planet of billions.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Letting Go

Nobody likes letting go.  From our earliest moments, our instinct is to grab, grip, cling, or hold on to anything we can.  To a finger.  To a blanket.  To a toy.  To a best friend.  To a love that has obviously already let you go by their actions.  Or their inactions.  Sometimes we hold on for dear life to the very things that inhibit us from actually living life.

But there is an upside.  The feeling we get when we do finally let go.  The trick is not to find a way around the obstacles and challenges thrown at us by life, but to live with them.  Live through them.  Learn from them.  In a halfway happy, uneasy alliance until the universe throws something new our way.  And around and around we go until the time comes finally to say goodbye.  And like it or not, ready or not, we all have to accept one universal truth - life is messy. M Always and for all of us.

But... maybe messy is what one needs.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fairy Tales

Sometimes in a thousand tiny surrenders, or in one giant fell swoop, what you'd seen as truly mythical... you learn is truly just myth.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ever After

"Happily Ever After" is a crock.  It's a sham.  It's a shell game on the street for every passing sucker that walks past.  They're just words.  Pretty words, but words just the same.

Our lives are determined by dumb luck, the actions we take, and the courage we summon during those all-important moments of truth.  Real life doesn't come with "The End."  Our stories never end as "Happily Ever After," is really only the beginning.  There are a million ever afters in everyone's lives.  For just when you think you've reached the finish line and found a nice little place to call home and someone with whom to curl up, the gun goes off again.

And the race begins anew.