Friday, May 11, 2012

Ever After

"Happily Ever After" is a crock.  It's a sham.  It's a shell game on the street for every passing sucker that walks past.  They're just words.  Pretty words, but words just the same.

Our lives are determined by dumb luck, the actions we take, and the courage we summon during those all-important moments of truth.  Real life doesn't come with "The End."  Our stories never end as "Happily Ever After," is really only the beginning.  There are a million ever afters in everyone's lives.  For just when you think you've reached the finish line and found a nice little place to call home and someone with whom to curl up, the gun goes off again.

And the race begins anew.


Alex said...

Or, possibly - everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end yet :-)

Pookie Pie said...

But even looking at it from a positive standpoint, there is no "ever after." Or at least I don't think there should be. For an "ever after" means that we've stopped. Stagnated. Settled for where we are and cease our growth and development. The race is ongoing as we keep going around and around.