Friday, February 6, 2009

There's just no surprising this man!

Brit Boy leaves in one week. Since he has to connect in New York City for his return trip to the UK, he decided to spend the last weekend he's in the states enjoying a weekend in the city. I was a little miffed at this cuz, due to my job, I couldn't join him. Plus, his last weekend in the states is Valentine's Day weekend. Now, for all of you that are haters of the forced, Hallmark holiday, I'm more or less in agreement. However, I haven't been dating anyone on Valentine's Day since I was in high school. I was really kinda looking forward to it. And then he sprung the trip on me.

Well, I schemed a bit and worked it out with my job to be able to be able to make a whirlwind trip to NYC and surprise him. I coordinated with our friend that he's staying with so that I could simply show up to wherever they were planning to be that Friday night. I even arranged it so that we flew out of the same airport, him to the UK, me back to Texas, with an hour of one another.

Then he went on a ski trip this week (snowboarding to be precise) and tore a ligament in his knee. When I picked him up from the airport, he stated that he was thinking about canceling the trip to NY as it would be to challenging to maneuver through NY with all the luggage he was taking back to the UK. He stated that trying to figure out all the logistics was weighing on him.

I buckled. I told him.

"Wow, I seem to mess up all of your surprises, don't I," he responded. See, this isn't the first time circumstances have changed and I've had to inform him of my plans, lest he change his plans completely and the surprise be, well, completely fucked. Actually, I think this is the third time in the last three or four months.

Curses. Oh well... he's still pleased as punch that we'll be spending the weekend in New York. Albeit with a less robust itinerary.

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