Brit Boy is gone. After having spent the last two months together, he's off to follow summer around the globe. Having him go has been rather challenging for me, but I know he needs to do this. He needs to venture forth and explore. I just have to wait until August for his return.
But I must say this... I think the universe knows I'm having trouble with him being gone. Cuz it's having a bit of fun with me.
Within 36 hours of Brit Boy boarding a plane and leaving the country, I was contacted by Shot Guy (remember him?) and Buddha Boy (not sure if I've talking about him) with a desire to "reconnect." I guess even though our little liaisons were of short duration, there remains something that is drawing them back for a little bit more.
My bed didn't even get cold before temptation started knocking. Luckily, my front door has this great little invention installed on it. It's called a lock. And I'm using it to keep temptation out.
Sorry fellas... the only reconnecting I'm doing these days is with the several DVDs of The West Wing I got for Christmas.
Well that... and my right hand. *grin*
Photo credit: "Leaving Station" by Paul Prober
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