Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I. Am. Not. Happy.

I am a person of routine. I love me some spontaneity, but I also really like the comfort of having my morning cup of tea. The joys of my morning... um... uh.. workout session. Etc, etc, etc. It makes me feel in sync with the world. Moving through a wonderful cycle.

So it should come as no surprise that I have a special ritual when it comes to voting. I am very involved in politics, but I don't do the whole results party type thing. I wake up early on election day and vote. No early voting for me. I turn off all tv and radio shows that might give me a clue as to the exit polls. Perhaps I go and see a movie. The next morning I head to the store and purchase a newspaper, and that's how I find out the election results.

Not this year.

My job is sending me to Dallas/Ft. Worth on election day. So I have to early vote.

I. Don't. Like. Change. Like. This.

(pardon me while I go to the corner and pout)

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