Saturday, October 23, 2010

A new addiction

It is well documented that I have a bit of a substance abuse problem.  I. Love. Shoes.  Before leaving Austin I painfully culled from my shoe collection the 10 pairs of shoes I was to bring with me to London.  From a collection of 68 pairs.  It was challenging.  It was heart-wrenching.  No, I am not being overdramatic.  Well, maybe a little.

As I was doing laundry last night and hanging my clothes up to dry on my fancy new "indoor airer" I noticed what could possibly be considered a new addiction.  One that has likely gone unnoticed by a good many people.

I seem to be addicted to buying new, cute undies.

At present I am the proud owner of 49 pairs of undies.  Yes.  Look at that number again.  Four.  Nine.  And yes, I just double-counted them to make sure.  I'm not exactly sure when it happened but it sure as hell did.

Now, is this a problem?  I'm not sure.  I mean considering with all my workouts each day (sometimes as many as three a day) I do go through them quickly and I can easily rationalize needing these and possibly even more.  But... if no one is seeing them on me but me, is it so important to have such a fabulous variety of drawers?


Alex said...

Hm... I think there's a pretty good chance that some other folks are appreciating your undies - at the gym, with the occasional bending over...

More importantly, YOU know what's going on down there ;-)

but on a slightly separate note - are you wearing those undies during your workouts? Don't they get all sweaty? Couldn't you wear a jockstrap or something?

Pookie Pie said...

Yes, I wear my undies while working out. I am just not a fan of the jockstrap. Granted, I don't normally wear my "top tier" undies for workouts. Those are for dancing. Or when I wanna feel like a pretty, pretty princess.

Stephen Chapman said...

It's a bit worrying that you've actually counted your undies!


The next 5 on the fifth is coming...