Friday, October 22, 2010


All I needed was the restroom.  Simple as that.  I had enjoyed a few beers and it was time to "break the seal."  I did not expect... well... what I got.

As I rounded the corner to where the urinals were I almost ran into this guy at the end.  Well, it wasn't really a urinal set-up.  More like a big long trough for guys to saddle-up to.  I'm not the biggest fan of this set-up, but I really didn't have much say in the matter.  Anyway, this guy was standing right at the end of the trough, reading a book.  Or a magazine.  Or something.  I just remember thinking it odd that he was standing there, pants undone, urinating while reading.  In a bar bathroom.

As he was the only other guy in the bathroom I went to the opposite end of the trough, turned away from him as best I could, and took care of matters for myself.  Being a bit pee-shy I just needed to go off into my own little world.  So I finish, button things back up, turn around to exit, and exclaim, "Holy... jesus..."

See, what I was not expecting to see when I turned around was him, facing me, pants undone, penis erect, pointing straight at me.  And it was... rather... large.  Rather...  yeah...

"Ummmm.... uhhh... excuse me...  I gotta...  holy jesus..." Is all I could mutter.  I sidestepped him and made my way to wash up and leave.  He followed me to the sinks as if to try to strike up a conversation.  I was having none of it.  I am, after all, a good Southern woman!

1 comment:

Alex said...

LOL!! Totally saw it coming, and laughed my ass off anyway :)

Glad to see that you're getting to know the locals!