Saturday, April 19, 2008

It was HUGE!!

I looked. I'll admit it. I mean, some people will say they don't, but there I times I do.

I look in the locker room.

Not always. I mean, most of the time, you really don't want to. And this wasn't' one of the times I
wanted to look. This was a time I needed to look. It just *called* to me.

I was standing in the locker room, getting ready for my workout, and the guy next to me had just gotten out of the shower. When he removed his towel to do... god only knows... that's when it caught my eye. Literally, out of the corner of my eye I saw it. And it drew my gaze in.

Now, I had to be all natural and nonchallant, but it drew my gaze nonetheless. It was huge! All big, black, and bushy. I swear it sprouted out at least 4 inches from his body. It covered all hints of a penis completely.

My question: How the hell do you even function when your pubic hair completely hides the fact that you have a penis. Wait! Maybe he didn't have a penis and he was trying to hide that.

Nah... he was just a lazy slob that didn't take his partner's dislike of hair in his/her mouth when going downtown. I mean, really!! There's a certain amount of respect in just doing a little bit of maintenance down there!

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