Monday, November 22, 2010

I want to be a librarian!!

It's been almost two weeks since my last post.  I wish I could say that I've just been too busy to write up all the interesting things that I'm experiencing here in London, but in reality, I'm just spending a lot of time in the library.  The life of a grad student, I guess.  I do see a short break in the tunnel ahead which will allow for some much needed light.  But it is just a short break after submission of coursework and before exams.  I'll take what I can get, I guess.

Which brings me to a new idea I've had on how to explore London as a grad student.  As I know I have a few London-based readers, what are a couple of cool libraries around central London?  I've noticed that I've been drudging back and forth to my campus library which, to be honest, is a bit of a drab place.  It serves me well, but there are many times I don't actually need anything from the library.  It just serves as a place to focus on studying (I cannot study at home at all.  Never really could.)  The only matter of convenience with my campus library is that it's open 24/7, but in reality, the number of times I've stayed in the library past midnight aren't that many.



Alex said...

Should we sing the title of this post to the tune of "I want to be in America", complete with heel kicks and a Spanglish accent?

Laura said...

I dig the Pimlico Library. I'm sure there are fancier and better out there, but it's in a pretty building, close by and brand new.