Monday, August 13, 2007

For to rest

o·ver·train (ō'vər-trān')  v.   o·ver·trained, o·ver·train·ing, o·ver·trains v.   tr.
To train too much: a coach who overtrained the athletes before the championship.

v.   intr. 
To engage in excessive training: a boxer who overtrained.

I don't know when it happened.  I don't know how it happened.  I was in the middle of teaching a class when I became very aware of a sharp pain in my chest.  My breath caught.  I hunched forward slightly.  I put my students in a repetitive cycle, and tried to determine what was happening.

Chest pain
. On the right side, just beside the sternum.  Hrmmm...  right side... not a heart attack.  Very localized.  I rubbed the muscle (yes, I was rubbing my chest...  you turned on yet?) and determined it wasn't a muscular issue.  Figuring that I was ok for at least the time being, I finished class, went home and got ready to meet up with Chef Guy and some others for some shenanigans.

In the two days since this happened, it hasn't really gotten any better, but it's not really bothering me that much.  However, I've realized that perhaps this is a sign.  Perhaps I need to slow down a bit.

This has been what I've been up to lately.

Teach 14 yoga classes per week.
Take 3 cycling classes per week.
Run 2 times per week (4-5 miles).
Weightlifting workout 2 times per week.

I've been at this pace since the 4th of July.  Maybe it's time to scale things back.

Update:  I suspected as much, and it was confirmed.  I popped a rib out of place.  It's now back in it's proper position.

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