Monday, April 26, 2010

And he's gone...

Theater Guy is now gone. After one week, the show is moving on to Denver, CO for a two-week engagement. I'd like to think I sent him off with a nice little "Thanks for visiting Texas!" farewell.

This past weekend was rather crazy busy. The Hill Country Ride for AIDS was this past Saturday, so getting all prepped and ready for that took some doing, and then there was, of course, actually riding the ride. So my time spent with Theater Guy was a little limited. I had hoped to get together with him on Saturday night, but after getting up at 5:00am on Saturday morning and riding 65 miles in the Texas Hill Country, I just didn't have the energy. So, after a massive amount of sleep on Saturday night and a nice yoga and pilates workshop on Sunday morning, we got together Sunday evening for a farewell... ummm... thingy.

As we walked into his hotel downtown I commented that it had been a while since I had been in that particular hotel. Immediately I felt a little weird for saying that. I mean, I had been in that hotel for very above-the-waist reasons. Seriously!! Well, okay. Let's face it. For some very below-the-waist reasons as well. He just laughed. It's always nice when two people really understand the interpersonal dynamics in which they find themselves.

And so we ultimately found ourselves at the end of our liaison. Which was fine. As a friend said to me as I was heading off to meet up with Theater Guy, "He's here for one week. You're leaving in less than four months. This is PER-fect."

True. Very, very true.

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