Monday, December 22, 2008

New boyfriend

Well, it was just a matter of time, really. Things change as time goes by, and in this area of life of my life, there is no exception. It looks like I have a new boyfriend. And to be honest, it looks like Brit Boy does too. Actually, it looks like we've been adopted as such by the same guy.

We recently ventured up to Dallas to go to a show of some electronic music that Brit Boy was really excited about seeing. Psy-Trance or something like that. So, up we went with Silly Girl
and her boy to see a show. Now, while the show turned out to be frequently mostly by candy-ravers, in all their glory with pacifiers, glow sticks, and dust masks filled with Vick's Vap-o-rub, it was actually a really good show. I even danced. Quite a bit, actually. Brit Boy commented that he's never seen me dance that much. Not even when we're at Burning Man, which is normally the only time I'll allow myself to dance in the U.S. Cuz, as I've said previously, the music here pretty much sucks.

N-E-way... somewhere along the way we met up with Davie**, an 18 year-old kid from a small town just outside of Dallas. At first he was looking for directions to the club where the show was being held. Then, after I had txt'd him to make sure he found the place (I am a nice guy, FYI), we kept running into one another. He was always rather insistent that we "hang" with him for a while. It was all fine... the four of us were having a grand time, but didn't really know anyone else at the show.

Then, he realized that Brit Boy and I are a gay couple.

"Whoa, Cary and Brit Boy are gay?!?! Really?" I heard him exclaim at one point. "But they're so cool!"

Apparently Davie was a bit of a homophobe. He even admitted as much to me. "Cary, you're so cool. I mean, I've always been a total homophobe, but you and Brit Boy are like the coolest people I know." (Sidenote: Well, yes. We are.)

Such discussions continued for most of the evening. Davie was continually amazed at Brit Boy and me. How non-threatening we were. How much fun we were to be around. At the end of the evening, he didn't want for us to go. It was so cute. Like we had found a lost puppy that didn't want to go back to its owner.

The next morning, he started texting that he missed us already. It was so cute. He has even called me up to invite us to another show in Dallas over New Year's Eve, and offered to split the cost of gas for us to drive up from Austin. To say he was disappointed that we had plans to be in San Francisco, CA, over NYE is an understatement. Again... so cute.

So it looks like Brit Boy and I have a new boyfriend. He's ever so nice? Can we keep him? I'll just tuck him away in my pocket.

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