Friday, December 19, 2008

And you shall be known as...

I've been offered to have a first-born child after me. On a couple of conditions.

See, Brit Boy is, well, British. And as such, he knows other people that are British. Funny how that works out, isn't it? And to really pull this full circle, they have British accents. I know this is totally blowing your mind, but stay with me.

Well, a was chatting with a friend at the Capitol who apparently had no idea that my boyfriend was of the British persuasion. She got really excited about this because of his familiarity and friendship with other people of the British persuasion.

"So he knows guys with British accents?"


"Black guys? That are available?"

"I think so."

"OHMYGOD!!! That is the sexiest thing ever! If you could set something up, I'll name my first-born after you, boy or girl."

Really? That's all I have to do? No requirement that I perform miracles, feed the hungry, listen to George Bush speak, or help the homeless? Wow, I think I'm getting off easy.

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