Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Did she not notice my track lighting?

I love my mom. No really, I do. I'm being serious. (Hey... I have to remind myself sometimes). Remember how my mom used to try to set me up with any female around my age that just talked to me? Well, after Latex and I broke up, things got better. You may recall that she seemed to finally understand that it was not members of the opposite sex that sent my heart beating rapidly.

Or so I thought.

As I'm sitting in the Kansas City airport chatting amiably with my mom about what a nice holiday visit we've had, we both started to watch the antics of some unruly seven year-old boy. He's running around, looking for attention, with mom, grandmother, and grandfather trying to get him to behave. This is when my mom just drops the bomb.

"You need to have children soon. You need to have them to complete your life."

I try to tell her that I'm pretty ambivalent about having children, and that I really don't need to have children to complete my life. I then go on this thing about "if" I decide that I'd like children, I'd want to have a partner, and I'm just not at that stage with anyone right now. The relationships I've had with the Marks, Ricks, and Steves in my life just really didn't go the "lets start a family" route.

"Well, Cary, you never know. You could be waiting for the right Judy to come along in your life."

Really? Really.


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