Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bicycle Experiment: Week 1

I've started an experiment. An experiment to reduce my reliance on my car. To reduce my consumption of motor vehicle fuels. To reduce my carbon footprint.

I'm riding my bicycle around town instead of using my car for most of my transportation needs.

After one week, there are a few things that I've noticed.

My world here in Austin is very small. Part of this is due to me having a pretty standard routine and traveling the same paths day in and day out. I have now started using alternate paths, and coming to know the neighborhoods around me much better.

Austin has some hills, yo! Now, My San Francisco friends will scoff at me, but still... these are pretty fun. And a little daunting at times.

I've found that I'm much better at grouping errands together. There's more involved in just popping over to the store if you're on your bike.

Riding to work in the morning really wakes me up. I've been so much more alert when I start work. My co-workers don't know what to do with a chipper and energetic morning me. They're so used to one that simply grunts and shuffles his feet until about 10am.

and finally... my caloric intake has skyrocketed. I swear, I don't know when I've ever been eating as much as I am right now. And I'm still slimming down.

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