Thursday, March 21, 2013

On Being Never Not Broken

Akhilandeshvari: Goddess of Never Not Broken, or The Always Broken Goddess

The brokenness of Akhilanda isn't a brokenness of weakness, fear, or terror.  It is the brokenness that tears us apart, disrupting the ruts, routines, and rituals of our everyday life.  Those things that so often stunt our personal growth and can prove to be toxic to the development and pursuit of personal goals and achievements.  Repeating the same relationships (friendly or intimate) over and over; maintaining the same habits for years upon years; not performing some sort of introspection on a regular and routine basis to identify whether we are on the right path for our lives to achieve those goals and become the best people we can become.

The story of Akhilanda is that when we experience a devastating loss, are torn apart by some experience in our life, or we witness our envisioned future dissolve before our very eyes, we have the opportunity to choose the manner in which we will put ourselves together.  We can learn from our past that has brought us to this heaped up pile of broken pieces.  We can look forward to what had been our visions of the future.  But really, we are in a state of flux.  We are changing.  We are learning to flow through life like a river runs its course, over and around the obstacles of life; learning from the confusion of life.  For how can we ever learn and grow if we already have everything figured out.

But it is also important to recognize that this newly pieced together person is only an illusion.  This new being we create for ourselves is only temporary.  For we will break again.  We will fall apart.  We will in some way see our future dissolve and develop a new one in its wake.  For we are never not broken.  And that is the beauty and the power of Akhilanda.  We have the strength and the power to reinvent ourselves as often as we need to in order to make the course corrections in life to find the path that is right for us.

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