Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ummm... Thanks?

By now y'all should all be aware that, among many other classes, I teach a naked yoga class. This past weekend we held a naked yoga retreat out in the Texas Hill Country, which was glorious. Beautiful weather, for the most part. Great yoga sessions. Lots of fun activities. It was all rather nice.


I finished leading a practice session on Saturday evening about the Lotus flower as a metaphor for human existence, complete with poses associated with the elements and a visualization meditation at the end. As I was chatting with the students, a man that I had not met before made the comment, "That was a great class. It answered a question for me." Thinking that he was going to express how he had been struggling with something and was able to find some clarity due to the practice I inquired about what he had learned.

"I can see why your body is so well put together. Yoga is really helping you keep looking so good."

*blank stare*

Really? You're hitting on me after that? I talked about the challenges of the human condition and how we are able to rise above our defilements and the sufferings of life. I talked about not only connecting with the physical elements of our surroundings, but to seek inspiration to develop our spiritual awareness. And now you're hitting on me. I thanked him kindly and moved along.

The next morning at breakfast he again approached me and asked if I had ever done any modeling. Odd question, I thought, but I said that yes, I had done some swimsuit modeling in the past.

"Well, I'm a photographer in Houston. If you'd like, I could take some pictures of you. You can even stay with me, and I'll feed you and entertain you while you're in town."

Wow... If the first time had been a little odd, this was just downright creepy. "Uhhh, thanks. I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever down in Houston," I said and politely excused myself. Another teacher that was present for this exchange later told me that it was good the teacher's back was to me and creepy guy cuz the look on the teacher's face after creepy guy said this was just too much.

I'm surprised and impressed with myself that I was able to maintain composure. Is it sad that I'm getting used to dealing with older creepy guys making odd advances toward me?

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