Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What can I say? It's been a while.

It's been a long time since I've made a real, true, and significant post. Busy... work... blah, blah, blah.

However, recently I was able to take some time off of work and actually enjoy a quickly warming Texas spring. Texas actually does Spring rather well, which is annoying since every other year I have to pretty much miss the whole thing due to work. Oh well.

So, the other day I was at a local watering hole enjoying some lovely libations with some friends. A very dear friend, let's call him WASP boy, was in town for spell and this was the first time I have seen this friend in at least a year. WASP boy and I used to live together and have been through a great many things with one another - both good and bad. When we saw one another we immediately ran to each other (so cute, right?) and embraced in a pretty damn tight bear hug. In my excitement, and this isn't too unusual with me to be honest, I lept up and wrapped my legs around his waist while we were hugging. His response? Well, he started bouncing up and down like he's fucking me in the frontal rucksack position.

I'm gonna pause for a second to remind y'all that it's been over 3 months since I've seen Brit Boy and as a result, it's been over 3 months since I've had sex. It's even gotten so bad at work that by the time I get home from the office, I have no desire to take matters into my own hands. There just hasn't been a whole lot of... um... release in my life lately. Just wanted to let y'all know where I am currently.

Where was I? Oh right, riding WASP boy in the middle of the bar. Well, we complete our hug and make our way to get our drink on. That's when I notice it. The tightness in my drawers. I squirm. I shift. I adjust. My friend looks at me and asks, "Did I give you a hard-on?" "Well," I start. "A semi..."

At that point, three of my friends walk up and, upon hearing my confession, start inspecting the bulge in my pants.

"Oh you sure do," one of them says. "Yup, there it is right there," says another as he gives it a litle tweak. Now, it takes a lot to make me blush, but damn was I a bright shade of embarassed.

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