Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Brit Boy Update

Alright, I know I am rather delayed in an update about Brit Boy. He's come to the states, gone off to Cuba for a fortnight, returned to spend the past weekend with me, then ventured off to Portland while I'm with my family. There are so many things I could blab on about, but I'm not sure I really know how to put these things into words. Things have gone exceedingly well, and I will just say two things about our time together thus far...

1) WOW!!! The connection we shared in the desert has not diminished. Nor, actually, has the fabulousness of the sex. *grin*

2) He thinks the way I prepare my tea is treasonous. I keep trying to tell him that my countrymen committed treason against the crown a few centuries ago, but he can't get over the fact that I like to put half-n-half... or on those really decadent moments real cream... in my tea. For me, milk just won't cut it.

So, things are going well. I'm with my family for one more day, and then it's off to San Francisco to join up with Brit Boy for New Year's Eve. We'll see what kind of shenanigans we can get ourselves into out there.

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