This is Carebear. Well, technically, this as a Carebear. But more importantly, this is my Carebear. For whatever reason, I have grown very attached to this little stuffed animal over the past couple of months. We go to a lot of events together. We sleep together. We've gone running together.
Some people think it's getting a little out of control.
A couple of months ago I was at a house party. At some point in the evening, the host brought out a ton of stuffed animals and kinda threw them around the living room. He handed Carebear to me. See, the one nickname that has truly stuck with me over the years is Carebear. My P.E. teacher in 3rd Grade, Miss McFall (a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader) started calling me Carebear. It just kinda stuck.
Anyway, at the end of the party I informed our host that I was taking Carebear with me. We belonged together, I said. He didn't argue.
We've been practically attached at the hip ever since. He goes out to the bars with me, has gone to yoga on numerous occasions (he's not so great at the balancing poses yet), we ran the Capital 10K last weekend together, and I think he might be joining me on the Hill Country Ride for AIDS this upcoming weekend. Just have to figure out how to affix a seat for him on the bike.
A lot of people look at me oddly as I carry Carebear with me to different events. Some people understand that absurdity and hilarity of what I'm doing. Really, I'm just doing my part to ensure no one takes things too seriously.
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