Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Help, help! I'm being repressed!

My aunt and uncle have arrived to take over the care-taking of my mother while she recovers. It's nice to see them, as it's been... I couldn't even tell you how long it's been since I've spent some time with them.


I am now in a house filled with McCain/Palin supporters who espouse the Republican Party's talking points on why McCain/Palin are the only ones that can handle the country and that Obama is a socialist and a terrorist. Yes, with one breath they are saying that he's a socialist working to build up the power of the state, and with the other they say he'll destroy the country. They've now gone so far as to turn on the McCain/Palin propoganda machine... Faux News.

"There's no place like home..." *click* "There's no place like home..." *click* "There's no place like home..." *click*

Recipe for a family.

One of the missions my brother charged me with while I'm up at mom's is to find our dad's chili recipe. This has been no easy task. Both yesterday and a good portion of today has been spent searching through cabinets, boxes, and trunks for old recipe books and boxes. And then proceeding to sift through these books page by page due to the fact that my family likes to simply stuff recipes into books just willy-nilly.

My mom and I were sitting at the dining room table earlier today doing just this when I commented on my own recipe organization. I print out recipes on their own 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper, insert it in a plastic sleeve and then keep these sleeves in 3-ring binders. I have different binders for different things. Sweets (which is my most full binder), entrees, specialty drinks, and so on. My mom seemed rather impressed by this.

"Well," she started, "since you're so organized with this is sounds like its time for you to start a family."

Ummm... What?!?!? So I pressed the issue. "Umm, how does me having good recipe organization equate to me needing to start a family?"

"Well, it just says that you're at a point in your life that you're ready for the next step."

"And the next step, of course, is for me to start a family?" I inquire.

"Yes," she said simply and continued sorting through recipe after recipe.

Ummm.... well.... ok...?

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's a good thing she's pretty.

My mom's cat is a bitch. A cute, loving, demanding little bitch.

When I arose this morning to make my mom her breakfast, it wasn't long until her loving little Hop-a-Long (the cat only has three legs) came to join me in the kitchen. At first she sat quietly by my feet as I cut up a cantaloupe. When I didn't realize that this meant she needed to be fed, she made her displeasure known rather loudly. Fine, alright. Cat's like to meow when they want something. No big deal.

After eating her fill (which was really only about two bites) she ran over to the basement door and started scratching to her hearts content. "I want to play in the basement," her eyes said to me. Fine. I'll open the basement door for you. She ran down the stairs and I could hear her just tearing around down there. For only having three legs, this little fireball sure does get around.

At some point, she quietly reentered the kitchen and went about trying to look out the floor length windows that overlooked the backyard. She was thwarted, however, by the fact that I had yet to raise the blinds. Determined, she let her intentions be known by pawing, head-butting, and then simply sticking her nose through the blinds. At first I was simply amused, but then the clanging of the blinds was too much. "Fine," I exclaimed. "I'll open the damn blinds."

Apparently this cat has a set routine and doesn't like for it to be changed.

Umm... did I just write a blog posting about a cat? Damn... I need to get home to Brit Boy soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

You wanna put what where?

I'm at my mom's in Kansas City helping her recover from recent medical issues. This isn't the first time I've been to her house here (she only moved in a couple of years ago), but this is the first time I think I've really explored the place. It's funny the things you notice that would drive you absolutely crazy in the design and layout of an abode. I know I couldn't live here. Why?

The closets are WAY too small. I wouldn't even have room for my

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some people really ought to know better!

While wandering near the UT campus this afternoon, I spotted a rather attractive, young undergrad striding toward me. From a distance he seemed like a nice candidate for some good eye candy. Tall. Short, dark hair. Broad shoulders. He even seemed to have a slight swagger to his walk. As he drew closer, however, I noticed that he was slouching. "No matter," I thought. "His backpack must be crammed full of books."

And then, just when he got close enough for me to determine whether he was a
Monet or not, I noticed them. Those hideous... things... that so many people are wearing these days. Crocs. But not just any Crocs. Burnt Orange Crocs. With the Longhorn logo emblazened on the top of the "shoe."


So I had to come back to my office and find some real eye candy. Chad White.
